Haflas are bellydance parties where dancers get together to dance for one another, and sometimes for a wider audience. It's an occasion to dress up if you want, perform, watch other turns, and get up and have a bit of a dance to great bellydance tunes.

I aim to hold two or three Performance Haflas locally each year, but there are often others held within travelling distance

Please see my Facebook page for the latest news on upcoming events, or check out the links below to give you a flavour of some of our previous parties!

Next event:  Bellydance Boogie Night with Arabic Band 
Friday 7th March 2025
7.00pm to 11.00pm

Spring Drizzler Hafla
Sunday 13th April 2025, 1.30pm to 5pm

Both events at The Cringlewood Club, Manchester M23

Buy tickets in advance from our Store page

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